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About the movement to support children

We are all living ancestors of future generations, and we are all somebody's child, so it follows: lifting the wellbeing of children and young people improves the lives of all. That’s why a large coalition of organisations and individuals are working together under the Tick for Kids banner.

Tick for Kids is a movement designed to engage the public and politicians in discussion about what needs to be done to improve life for children and young people in New Zealand.

Tick for Kids would like everyone to engage in debate about the issues for children and young people, and what decision makers need to do.

It's important because policy implemented by central and local government has a direct impact on the way that families function and parents raise their children. Policy shapes our communities and society, and can help support parents to meet their children’s needs. lifting the wellbeing of children and young people improves the lives of all. That’s why a large coalition of organisations and individuals are working together under the Tick for Kids banner. 


Get involved in Tick for Kids

Get into our Facebook and Twitter activities, run or attend events and write letters. Find out more here.






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