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A regular feed of news, views, events and resources 
from the Tick for Kids partners

Tick for Kids is a collective campaign. Not all agencies will agree with all the statements made by other agencies party to the campaign. Agencies reserve the right to make public statements in accordance with their own organisational priorities.



The way that children are parented impacts on their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development.

Right from the time of birth, loving and responsive interactions support baby’s brain to grow and develop so that they are ready for positive relationships and future learning. 

Ensuring children receive positive, loving care from parents is a key opportunity for ensuring children do well.  We can support positive, non-violent parenting through:

  • creating a society that values and respects children and doesn’t tolerate any use of violence (physical or verbal)
  • equipping parents with information about child development, child management and positive parenting strategies
  • ensuring parents are well supported
  • improving parents’ mental health
  • reducing drug and alcohol abuse
  • reducing poverty. 

(Research from the Centre for Social Research and Evaluation, Ministry of Social Development)

For information about the movement for positive parenting and the law to protect children from assault, see.

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