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Climate Change and Climate Action
Our future is fragile - Our earth mother Papatuanuku and our sky father Ranginui are warning us NOW

Globally, nearly half of the world’s children (approximately 1 billion) live in countries that are at an ‘extremely high-risk’ from the impacts of climate change. The climate crisis threatens to undo the major gains made over the past years and threatens children’s rights and wellbeing. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child enshrines, in article 12, the right for children to give their opinions freely on issues that affect them. Tamariki and rangatahi in Aotearoa New Zealand are vocal and active climate campaigners demanding climate action from political leaders.

Cyclone Gabrielle this year has shown that we are becoming increasingly vulnerable to climate hazards. The impacts can be severe with the most at-risk people being those that already experience economic disadvantage or poorer health. Tamariki and rangatahi around Aotearoa New Zealand are worried about the future they will inherit, and want to see tangible commitment and action to adapt, mitigate and prepare for the effects of climate change.

As part of Crown obligations under Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Māori should be able to self-determine the appropriate response for their tamariki and whānau in emergencies driven by climate change - by Māori, for Māori (tino rangatiratanga). As a signatory to the International Just Transition Declaration, New Zealand must protect indigenous rights through the just transition process, among other things.

Nearly half of New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions come from agriculture, making agriculture a major part of the country’s emissions profile. Agriculture also contributes billions to the economy and will provide job opportunities for many of today’s children. A sustainable transition is critical to ensure that agricultural emissions are reduced or eliminated, and that the environment is not degraded beyond repair.

Children have a right to a clean and safe environment to live in, as enshrined in article 24 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The ocean is a critical part of having a healthy and safe environment. Ensuring 30% of our oceans (globally and nationally) are protected will provide protection for coastal habitats, improve coastal and marine resilience to climate change, and allow marine species to replenish, protecting it for generations to come.

This election, we encourage all New Zealanders to engage candidates with the following questions,
then vote for those that answer YES!

  1. Will your party commit to engaging with tamariki and rangatahi, and listening to their views on climate action and potential solutions, and reflect these in your climate policies?
  2. Will your party commit to emergency policies that include children as a key stakeholder and enable them to participate alongside adults in emergency preparedness, response and recovery and prevention?
  3. Will your party commit to allocating discretionary funds to iwi to prepare for and respond to climate change driven emergencies to mitigate the effects on tamariki Māori and their whānau?
  4. Will your party commit to providing support for NZ’s agricultural industry to transition to sustainable industry practice, so that tamariki and rangatahi can inherit a sustainable environment in Aotearoa?
  5. Will you commit to increasing marine protected areas to 30% of New Zealand's oceans by 2030, enabling replenished and healthy oceans for generations into the future?
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